Contract Maize Notice Board


DoubleAction Ecocorn....DoubleAction Ecocorn....DoubleAction Ecocorn

Distributors of DoubleAction Ecocorn in Northern Ireland ....Distributors of DoubleAction Ecocorn in Northern Ireland

Welcome to the farm-link Contract Maize Notice Board. This a free service available to farmers across Northern Ireland seven days a week through to Saturday May 08 2004. Requests already received are also detailed on this page. See below!

If you would like a crop of contract maize grown this year or are in a position to contract grow the crop, simply press the red button below to e mail in your details. Please include the acreage required or available, a contact telephone number and the region of Northern Ireland in which you are located.

This page will be updated 4 times daily, so please scroll down and take a look at the requests we are already carrying.

This service has only been made possible courtesy of the generous sponsorship received. So Please take the time to look at sponsors' own web sites by clicking on their respective banners


For all your fertiliser needs

Bringing forward your maize harvest by two to three weeks...


Am proposing to grow 5 acres contract maize at Draperstown as a cash crop. My telephone number is 028 796 42638 (daytime) 028796 28216 (evenings) 07799 414731 (mobile) Gareth Bodkin