farm-link - Maize


Wesley, Stanley and Randal Livingstone are looking forward to the 2002 forage maize season, having helped establish the growing of maize in Counties Armagh and Tyrone.
The Livingstones are agents for seed, spray, plastic and Samco seed drills. Using the X-Tend plastic film system harvest date is brought forward by 2 - 3 weeks.

This enables the crop to be grown in more marginal areas.Wesley and Randal Livingstone discuss the new Samco seed drill with George Annesley from Richardson's Fertilisers prior to the start of this year's forage maize season

Choice of site is important with a south facing aspect preferable. The selection of seed variety is critical in determining a good yield and should be matched to the site and soil types of the field used.

Wesley works with Pioneer and can choose from a wide range of varieties including: Justina, Ulla, Beneica, Goldcob and Jana. Some varieties work better under plastic than others. Wesley is willing to offer advice on seed variety to those considering the growing of forage maize as an alternative forage.

But of course the proof is in the eating. And in the case of the Livingstones this is more than true as their own maize is fed to the family's dairy herd. Significantly, this unique forage has helped to boost intakes and milk output since its introduction.

If you would to discuss maize as an alternative forage, Wesley Livingstone can be contacted on (028) 37 54 8644: Mobile: 07808 933979 e mail .

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